The media want to...
- Inform their audience.
- To sell to their audience. (Advertising)
- To influence the audience. (Magazines, Papers)
- To entertain.
- To interact with them. (Websites, Blogs, Podcasts)
- The Hypodermic Model. The audience are passive victims (injected or fed media, corrupted and de-sensitivitised by sex and violence)
- The Active Audience (the decide how and when media is used, they make choices about what we like and dont like)
A TV programme or newspaper article can influence the reader by offering a postion or point of view such as Charity Adverts.
We have learnt:
Representation, where we take reality, the form our own perception of reality, which finally gives us how we choose to present it.
Plot, a sequence of events told in a story.
Narrative, how the story is told.
Verisimilitude, trying to create a plausible representation.
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