Saturday, 27 September 2008

The New Beginning

Hello and welcome to My Media Blog,
This is my second attempt at creating a serious Blog and hopefully it will be second time lucky....
We are now four weeks into the school term and it is all going well ... ish (touch wood) I was expecting great changes in 6Th form and that is what i got. it is interesting to see the groupings that have developed over the past month and how the people who were once "the new people" have settled in brilliantly, and although there is still a lot to learn from and about them, it feels as if they have always been part of our year.
A great bonding experience was the Young Enterprise Day. This was a whole day dedicated to mixing the year up, then separating us into groups of about 10, and literally threw us in at the deep end by giving us all half an hour to come up with a FANTASTIC, NEW and INGENIOUS business idea that will sell. We then had to make complete fools of ourselves by doing numerous tasks such as creating an advert for our 'creation', standing up in front of the rest of the year to try and sell them our idea and having a mock business meeting with possible investors of our company.
I felt that the day brought everyone a lot closer together and gave all students an insightful look into the business world.
The year was also given the opportunity to actually create a young enterprise business, i and many others jumped at the chance to create a bit of cash and to start our own business. i am in a group filled with 15 lovely people :) and now have the title of HR manager... whether this will proceed to be a GOOD TIME or a BAD TIME will eventually be discovered (and i promise to keep you posted)
So... MEDIA....

Our first Media assignment was set my Mr V. It was to produce a review of our ultimate favourite film like totally EVER!!!
So i decided to do..
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1999)

As a child who has been brought up by her father to love all films which include violence, explosive action and a great deal of humour it was no surprise to my parents to discover that I was becoming more and more interested in gangster films. The Blues Brothers was originally my favourite film but then I was introduced to Lock Stock. The dynamite bundle of dark, dangerous and amoral fun brings a smile to my face whenever I watch it. The acting in lock stock is mostly by a bunch of unknowns which is why I feel the film appeals so much as the film is quick and witty.
Combining crime, drama and comedy, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels proves to be a satisfying watch for any sort of film fan. Set in London’s dark and gritty underworld, it tells the story of four friends,
Jason Flemyng as Tom, Dexter as Soap, Nick Moran as Eddie and Jason Statham as Bacon, who are trying to repay a mob boss, "Hatchet" Harry Lonsdale - a porn king of notorious disposition, after an unruly loss in a game of three card brag. In order to pay off their debts they decide to rob a small-time gang of their hard earned drugs. This unfortunately takes a turn for a worst and results in all of the small-time gang form next door being brutally murdered by Rory Breaker, Gangster and sociopath in a mass shooting.
The film is hilarious as it shows the vicious circles of gang crime and how they will get what they deserve in the end. In Lock, Stock the punishment that most endure is death. The Body Count of Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels is 17 and each death is as brutal as the next.
1. Smithy Robinson - Bludgeoned to death with "a
15-inch black rubber cock" by Harry.2. Gordon's unnamed associate - Beaten to death with a golf club.3. Gordon - Killed with a Chef's knife sharpening steel by Dog.4. Mickey - Shot by Gloria.5. Paul - Killed in the shootout at Eddie and Bacon's place.6. John - Killed in the shootout at Eddie and Bacon's place.7-10. Rory Breaker's 4 henchmen - Killed in the shootout at Eddie and Bacon's place.11. Plank - Shot several times, until finally killed by Rory Breaker.12. Rory Breaker - Shot by Plank.13. Dean - Shot in the chest by Harry.14. Harry Londsdale - Shot several times by Gary.15. Gary - Killed with a hatchet to the back by Barry.16. Barry - Shot in the stomach by Gary.17. Dog - Crushed repeatedly by a car-door, kicked and beaten by Big Chris.
The Sound track is this film is also fantastic and includes many classics such The Boss" by
James Brown, Police and Thieves" by Junior Murvin and Liar Liar" by The Castaways. Guy Ritchie is my God and I love all films that he has written and directed as they are true comic genius. Although all the films are stereotypical to London gangs and portray them all in the same way I feel this adds to the brilliance of them. Lock, Stock is a timeless classic film that should be watched and loved by all.

1 comment:

Mrs F said...

Hi Grace - learnt a lot about you in the first blog; learnt what YOU'VE learnt in your second blog. It's good to see you've picked up on what's important in Media Studies - and you've made really helpful contributions in class about mise-en-scene. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say about representation of asian/british culture tomorrow...

Mrs F